Wednesday, April 2, 2008

we are all getting sick!!

ok, so yesterday when i said i was getting better, that didnt last for long. probably about half of our team is sick, its kinda hard to know what is wrong with us. we have been achy, headache, cant keep anything down(including water) making it hard to stay hydrated, hopefully it is just a little bug and we will be better soon, but if you could be praying that we get better! that would be amazing! love you all! i miss you so much!


jamers said...

I hope you start to feel better soon pidder! :) I love you!! We are all so proud of you :D I love you I love you I love you and I really do miss your squishy eyeballs...he he he

loves trude

Gramma and Grampa said...

Hi Honey,
I pray that you and all the rest of your team are feeling much better by now. I asked church family to keep you all in prayer.
What an exciting time this must be for you. We are so proud of you all, and miss you very much. Keep up the good work.
Jesus Love You
and so do we
Gramma and Grampa