here is a few of my friends!
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
montana is amazing!
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
hi all! if you didnt know already i am coming home to tacoma/seattle for a mini outreach and will be working mostly with the crossing!!! i am so excited! it will be good to be in my home town for a week! i also wanted to just thrown out there, i am officially applying to "the school of dance" that YWAM offers next september, the Lord has been faithful in giving me vision for what i would want out of my future! i believe the dance school would be a great learning opportunity!i would be able to grow both spiritually and in dance at the same time! this week has been a lot of fun, the speaker is a riot! anyways i dont have much time. love you!
Friday, January 25, 2008
the weekend is here!!
i am so excited for this weekend! it will be fun filled with dancing, movies, lectures, sleepovers!!! it was a good day! love you all!!
Thursday, January 24, 2008
it's almost the weekend! today was a great day! class went really well, i told my testimony and we all cried together, i think it was good for all of us! i feel a little exposed and out there but it built some unity. i am still being stretched and still loving it! my friend sarah wants everyone to know that i use her computer to post this blog. anyways love you all and talk to you later!
Wednesday, January 23, 2008 titile
this week so far has been so much fun! it has definately been challenging but fun! it is still plenty cold here and so beautiful! the scenery here is amazing! i have made so many new friends, the coolest part is that we are all so different and from so many different backgrounds! we are preparing for our first mini- outreach which is in tacoma!!!! heck yes i'm coming back!!! i am so excited! it will be weird to mix the two worlds...but i am still excited! i am hopeing i will be able to come to church and see you all, but i am on a mission we will see. love you and miss you!!!
Monday, January 21, 2008
negative 21 degrees and loving it!!
yes it's true, it is very cold here! i love it! if you could all be praying for the people in my DTS, we are all taking turns being sick, it is currently my turn...bummer, but i'll make it! things are going great here! still having so much fun and constantly getting changed. this week one of the things we need to start doing is preparing sermons for when we go on outreach! i love that kind of stuff! it is a little trickier just because we need to find ways to relate to people in India and Thailand and also make it simple for those who are not educated. diving into cultures so much different from ours takes some research, so we are eccouraged to learn as much as we can about the places we are going. i have quickly become the DTS mom, for those of you who know me well know that that is not far from the truth, it is so fun to know the Lord's hearts for the women here and be a part of their healing process! it has given me a chance to spread my wings and understand that i really do communicate with the Lord and that He does use me on a day to day basis! i love it and love my fellow DTSers so much! we are becoming a family! bye for now!!
Friday, January 18, 2008
the end of week 2!!
i love it here!!! i am constantly blown away by how much fun it is to learn and live for Jesus! this week mike(our guest speaker) spoke on prayer, but turned into hearing the voice of God, it was challenging, but good! i am meeting so many new people, we all come from so many different backgrounds and cultures. we have people from canada, thailand, west coast, east coast, the south, everywhere! its really fun, we all learn a lot from each other. dance is going really well, it is so much fun to dance with the girls here and just have fun, and no competition with each other. i am excited, our group will have some opportunities to dance in india and thailand!:D i am so grateful for all of your love and support! thank you so much! love and miss everyone!
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
the second week!
Week two is going great! We have a guest speaker, his name is mike phillips...i believe, and is a brilliant man! He came to talk about prayer, but it turned into so much more! I love it! It is so fun to learn! The Lord is growing my heart more and more for India and Thailand and I love it! Prayer request: As some of you know my stomach is pretty sensative and I cannot have most milk product, so eating here has become a challenge(if you know what i mean) so if you could just pray that my body would start functioning better that would be amazing! I am praying that the Lord heal me, If you ask my parents, my stomach has been like this my whole life, so I am seeking the Lord on what I can and cannot have, and also what I myself should purchase from the store. your prayers are greately appritiated! love you all!
Monday, January 14, 2008
Plans have changed a little bit I am not only going to India, but I am also going to Thailand! I will spent the first five weeks in India helping out at children's aids orphanages, dancing, street evangelism, practical help, and some other stuff that hasn't been planned yet. Then the last three weeks will be in Thailand doing some of the same stuff, but maybe throw in some college ministry, I will keep you updated. I am so excited and cant even imagine what it will be like and how the Lord is going to use all of us! The Lord has been faithful to provide in so many ways for this trip, but it is costing a little more than I thought, so if you can join me in prayer for the rest of the financial part that would be amazing! love you all!
Sunday, January 13, 2008
Thursday, January 10, 2008
hick night!
Today was tons of fun! We had a whole morning of teaching on the root and fruit of pride and then spent some time talking to the group about where we see pride in our lives...that was intense! Our DTS has 35 students, 22 girls, and 13 guys. Then we learned about the history of our YWAM base which wasnt as interesting, but it was good to know. Jeff and Kristy are the leaders of our particular school, I love hearing Kristy preach! She is so passionate! I am learning more and more about myself and all the ways I have become comfortable and havent wanted to change, it's challenging, but good. The best part of the day, was the "Montana night" we all dressed up in our best hick gear, ate some good down home cookin, and then square danced the night away! You get to know eachother really well when dancing with them! Well I need to do some I should go. love you and miss you all!
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
day two!
Day two of my DTS and still loving it! Today we started off with lecture the first one was about bible meditation and what it looks like to have a quiet time that changes how you live, and the second lecture was on worship and what worship looks like outside of singing! It's encouraging to be reminded that worship is a part of our everyday life and not just at church, and we can worship in everything we do. We also talked about our passions and the things in our heart that we have stored away because we did not think we could minister through it, and we were encouraged to ask the Lord to show us what we are passionate about, and then ask Him how to put them to use for His kingdom. We also recieved our first book for one of many book reports we will do!! My first book is "Is that really you God?" by Lauren Cunningham!! I'm excited! We were also given our work books and an outline of our homework for the next few months, and what will be expected of us. We got assigned our chores today and I have kitchen duty in the morning from 6 to 8 a.m. So an average day here looks like work duty from 6 to8, then lecture from 8 to 10, then worship is usually thrown in there somewhere, more lecture, then lunch from 12 to 12:30, then more lecture until 3, then work duty from 3 to 5, dinner from 5 to 5:30, then we either have a class or free time and on tuesday nights I have church, or whatever else comes up. It's pretty busy!! The best is that tuesdays and fridays are the days that i will be dancing!!! I am so excited!! love you all and miss you!!
I know some of you wanted to know some info. so here we go.
my e-mail:
my address: 501 Blacktail RD.
Lakeside, MT 59922
phone: 253-444-7645
my e-mail:
my address: 501 Blacktail RD.
Lakeside, MT 59922
phone: 253-444-7645
I have arrived!
I made it to Montana safe and sound and excited for the adventure that lies ahead! instead of 8 hours the trip took in between 12 and 13! all the more fun I say! my first day here was so much fun, I set up my room and met my first room mate Emily from Virginia and my second whose name is Michele from Virginia also, came later. A few of us played a hardcore game of indoor soccer(in which i may have broken or seriously injured my pinky toe...I'm fine.) Then a group of us walked a couple miles to the nearest grocery story to get some supplies for either our rooms or snacks to eat. We then spent a couple hours playing games and then turned in with anticipation for Monday, the first official day of class! The first day was awesome and the Lord was faithful to show up! The first part of the day we listened to guidelines, the purpose of YWAM, our upcoming assignment, and all that jazz. We had a time of worship and introduction, followed by more info. as to why we are here. The last part of the night was the best! We each got up in front of the class and shared how we got to Montana, the Lord's presence fell and it was a time of healing and refreshment! I am loving it here and am excited to find out more about the Lord and also the people around me! i am constantly humbled by how amazing the people are! love you all and i will try and write again soon!
Friday, January 4, 2008
I am off folks! It has been an exciting adventure to see the Lord provide for my every need and am overwhelmed by the Lord's love! My bags are packed and I am ready to start my four and a half month trip! tomorrow me and three of my friends will begin the 8 hour drive to Montana hopefully making it through the crazy snow! woot woot!
thing I'm most excited for:
Love you all and I will miss all of you so much!
thing I'm most excited for:
- classes
- roommates
- snow!
- india
- road-trip
- knowing the Lord in a different way
- dancing!!!!!!!!!
- dance tights!!!!
Love you all and I will miss all of you so much!
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