Monday, August 25, 2008


Hi everyone!

Sorry I haven't been the best about updating what I've been up to. I have been home for a couple months now, I am living with Cailyn, Nathan, and Jane Aune, and loving it! I cannot believe the things the Lord has allowed me to do. I often wonder how He can top going on my mission trip. I think back and can't believe the things I got to experience and the people I met, the friends I made. I am currently working at Starbuck's saving up some money. My goal at this point is to save up some money for school! I decided I would like to pursue a career in massage therapy, but do not want to have a lot of debt. Being back has been so much fun! It does come with it's challenges, but it's home. I have no current plans of going back out on the mission field, but would love to sometime in the near future(one of the reason why I don't want school loans). I am so thankful for where I'm at, I am growing and changing and figuring out who I am, and who I want to be. Thank you so much for all your support! love you!

Tuesday, May 27, 2008


I arrived back in the U.S. last saturday, but had a week of debrief, and then got back to tacoma yesterday evening! It is so good to be home, I am getting settled, setting up my room and seeing friends and family. I will start work June 10th and will just be hanging out until then. I had so much fun and learned so much on outreach, I will be writing again soon with some more detail. I love you all and can't wait to see you!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

one more day in thailand!

I cannot beleive out-reach is over! ahhhh!! i have had so much fun! thailand is beautiful! ministry looked a alot different here than it did in india, it was a lot more laid back. we did a alot of shows, where we would do music,dance,and drama, it was a lot of fun. we taught a few english camps, went to a couple villages. we are currently in bangkok, the team leaders wanted to bless us so they got us a hotel to stay in for a night! hot showers and beds!!!! we will be leaving tomarrow our flight is technically saturday morning at 1:30 a.m., we will fly into korea and have a 12 hr layover, and then a flying to seattle and having a 9 gr layover, and then a short flight to montana! we will get into montana at 2a.m. so all together i think we will be traving for 40hrs! i am really excited to go home, but i will miss traveling and miss being with my team! it will be weird going from sharing a twin bed with claire and never having alone time to having my own room and my own life....whoa! i am excited to see you all and love you so much!

Saturday, April 26, 2008


our team is loving it here, it has been a great week of both hard work and rest. we have put together a couple of english camps, its an 8 hour long camp and goes on for two days, we play games, teach english, perform drama's and dances for them, and just have fun and hang out. we are staying in a house in a small gated community, there is a pool down the road, and a place that sells bubble tea all hours of the day, pretty close to what i would think heaven is like. The tempature is a bit hotter here i would say in between 100 to 120, but less humidity, its nice. we all love the food, some is very spicy, but you suck it up and eat it anyways. My favorite is probably som tom(not sure if spelling is correct) its papaya salad, it has papaya, peanuts, cucumber, carrots, and its spicy! We flew into bangkok and stayed there for a few days, i absolutely love bangkok! i would love to go back and see more of the city! we stayed at the ywam base(first place we have stayed with ac) it was fun to get to know them and learn about the different ministries they have there, we met a fellow ywam montana guy, he was just on the last DTS before us and his outreach was in thailand and he decided he wasnt going back to america for 5 years! he's goig to stay in thailand and head up a ministry that goes out and talks to foreigners who come there for the red light district, he's only 20yers old. pretty cool! we are now in rachenburi, more of the country. it is beautiful! everything you would imagine, green, peaceful, big stretches of land, crops, i love it! so all in all life is good! tomarrow is our day off, so we will go to the floating market(its all on water, and you have to take a boat everywhere) we will also be riding elephants, seeing bat caves, a trip out to the coast, and some shopping, big day, but it will be fun! tuesday we will be on our way to sufanburi for two weeks and then we are done. crazy! love you all and i will try and write soon! thank you for your prayers and support!

Friday, April 18, 2008

i made it!

we are officially dont in india, we had an amazing last few days, and left feeling like we did what the Lord asked of us. we got to spend the last day at a water park! it was the most refreshing thing of my whole entire life! we are here in thailand and it is beautiful and the food is amazing! i may gain a few lbs here. hope all is well at home! love you!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

bodh gaya!

whoa! what a week we had! bodh gaya was amazing! we have only seen the cities in inda, which are cool, but seeing the country made me realize how beatitul india is. we took a ten hour train ride to get there, which i can, with all confidence say that it was the scariest time of my whole entire life, its like being in prison, but worse because you put yourself there. we arrived wedesday morning and took a tour of the city, it is where buddah was enlightened so its a pretty big deal. there are a alot of temples and the biggest statue of buddah i have ever seen. they took us to where we were staying which was amazing! it was a guest house with small room, we only had two to a room. which may not seem like a big deal, but when you have had six roomates and one bathroom for a month your appritiate the small things. i roomed with claire, it was so refreshing, she is probably one of my favorite people in this world(which i believe accounts for more now that i have been in a different country). during the days we were able to rest, which was just what we needed considering we have all been sick for awhile(p.s. we are all doing a lot better, we are all at least able to eat) then at night we would go into differnt villages and share with them about Jesus and what He has done in our lives. it was the first time i had ever used a translator in front of a large crowd. the places we were going the villagers had never seen white people before, that was kinda cool! the response was great,many people got saved and we were able to hang out and play with kids. they would always make us dinner afterwards, the cool thing to do was to eat on rooftops, which is always fun and exciting! real indian food made by villagers, kinda sketchy, we just didnt ask any questions about what we were eating...its better that way, both for our politness and our emotional stability. so all in all the week was amazing! however we did end with a very interesting train experience. so just a tiny background about indian culture and the way things work here, there is not rhyme or reason to how things work here, people just seem to go with the flow and whatever happens happens and nothing is completely dependable. something else to keep in mind, peoples lives are not very valuable here like they are in america. so we arrive at the train station at 9 p.m. our train does not get there until 9:50 so we wait patiently. the train is late, however this is not unusual here so there is no announcment as to when it will be there or why it is not on time. my friend(who will remain nameless) lays her head on my lap to rest because she has taken a sleeping pill to lessen the pain of the ten hour train ride that awaits us. i notice there is a bug in her hair so i got to pick it our and notice about five others. come to find out about half our team(including me) has lice! this is our the excitement doesnt stop there, the train arrives an hour and a half late, something else you should know is that they dont stop for long and will not wait, we cant find where we are sopposed to be and we are trying to get there before the train takes off. the train starts moving. twenty white people including four kids take off running, we get split up and have to jump on a moving train with all of our luggage! we have no idea who has made it and where everyone is, most dont speak english..awkward. our friend mackenzie to the rescue, she and three others managed to find our car, she spots an emergency alarm and pulls it, the train stops long enough for us to jump off and run to our spot! crazy! no one got left behind and there were only a few cryers. so we've got lice and crazy trains! what next? so we settle ourselves down get out our beds and try to rest peacefully with the rats and cockroaches only inches away while there are a plethra of indian people staring at us. we finally get to sleep and we hear a scream, all of us jump out of our beds and run to find out what happened, at this point we are thinking the worst. come to find out kortney a girl on our team had a man reach in the window and take her purse with her passport in it! we prayed and asked the Lord for peace, we could not change our circumstances but knew we would need a miracle both so we didnt go crazy on the train and also because we were leaving for thailand in a couple days and did not want to leave her and another team memeber here in india until she could get another passport. the rest of the train ride was ok, we did not sleep too well, but we all made it safely. it was one of the most challenging parts of our trip, i needed the Lord to be very real in those moments because there were circumstances that i so desperately wanted out of, but could not, i needed the Lord's peace and for Him to change my heart towards the situations we found ourselves in. He was faithful and showed me how He is in control and that He will always have the victory, kortney got her passport the next day from the ambassy and we have all emotionally recovered, and we are in the process of getting rid of the lice. whew! we are back in kolkata now and will be leaving for thailand tomarrow morning! i am so excited for what the Lord will do in and through us! p.s. i rode a mechanical bull today! i love you all! thank you for all your prayers!

Monday, April 7, 2008

india is coming to a close..

i cant believe our time is already coming to a close, we have about a week left before we fly out to thailand. tomarrow we will be taking a ten hour train ride to a place called bodh guya(still in india). we are not exactly sure what we will be doing, but then after about a week we will come back to kolkatta for two days and then head out to thailand. it has been an amazing process here in indian, i think back on the past three weeks and cannot actually believe i was here living in a country so different from our own and learned not only how to survive it, but how to love it. we would wake up to breakfast already prepared for us, in consisted of toast, porridge, a banana, and tea, we liked this because it was the only consistent thing in our life(other than the Lord). then we would head off to our different ministries, we worked in a couple different mother theresa homes, kings kids, life connections, and us dancer were able to teach some dance classes at night. my favorite by far was teaching the dance classes, it was a little challenging because all four of us were sick, but it was worth it. the little girls we taught were so precious and the older ones we were able to build a relationship with. who knew i would ever have friend in India!?! i also really enjoyed kinds kids, they took about 30 homeless kids off the street and fed them, bathed them, and taught them about Jesus, it was so much fun to hang out with them and give them the love they don't receive from their parents, it is not uncommon in india for a child to be on their own at a young age. the transportation here is insanity! we had to figure out how to get around, the most common are taxi's and rickshaws, but we also figured out how to take buses and the subways system. there arent really any laws here for the streets so you really have to watch out because its easy to get hit, and sometimes its even scarier to be in a vehicle because the driver has no fear. the food here is great, we had to lay off for awhile because we were all getting sick, you have to be careful of where and what you eat, for exaample, they dont refrigerate dairy dont eat or drink anything having to do with dairy! we learned a lot the hard way, but we learned fast. we were responsible for our own lunch and dinner, we would get an allowance and figure out life on our own, i think its a great method because we learned to get around all of kolkatta by ourselves. we have made a lot of friends here, its amazing how fast a group of white people draw a crowd and they are perfectly happy to sit and stare for long periods of time, we took advantage of that and built friendships. the Lord is teaching me a lot about how its not always about doing, but just loving those who you come into contact with. this culture does not teach love, they are hindi and hinduism is big on only taking care of your own and not helping others, they beleive it interferes with kharma and reincarnation, it draws a huge crowd when we stop to talk to beggars or street children, its kinda fun. it has been a challenging month or so, but it is worth it and i have forever been changed by what i have seen here, it has caused me to appreciate what i have at home. i love and miss you all! thank you for your prayers and support!

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

we are all getting sick!!

ok, so yesterday when i said i was getting better, that didnt last for long. probably about half of our team is sick, its kinda hard to know what is wrong with us. we have been achy, headache, cant keep anything down(including water) making it hard to stay hydrated, hopefully it is just a little bug and we will be better soon, but if you could be praying that we get better! that would be amazing! love you all! i miss you so much!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

so cute! these are some of my buddies at the kings kids place!


i can finally upload some pictures for everyone to see what india looks like! hopefully you enjoy! we are in the middle of our third week here and next week we will be heading up north to a place called Bodguya, currently we are in kolkatta in west Bengal. it has been a good week, we were able to lead a couple of church services, which included dance, drama, worship, and a couple of testimonies, i was going to give my testimony, but i got sick for few days, i am getting better! i have been working this week at a place called "kings kids" they take in about 30 children off the streets, they feed them, give them a shower, and they do worship and a lesson, it is really fun! none of them speak english and we don't speak Hindi or Bengali, so sometimes things get a bit interesting...but we manage.

Friday, March 28, 2008

week 2!!

ok, so maybe the honey moon stage is over, but there is still work to be done. if you could keep our team in your prayers that would be amazing! it is a very hard city kolkatta is the "city of death" and we can for sure feel it. it is hard to reach people here in the city because they only see our money, so it has been a challenge to have a simple conversation, we have been overwhelmed most days by the things we see and knowing that we only have Jesus to offer because our money and our love is simply not enough. we see so much poverty and are never sure if the people we see lying on the streets are dead or alive, at times it can be overwhelming. today we started in the mother theresa house and we didn't know how to function, there is so much death in this place and we are in a huge spiritual battle. in our personal lives we are trying to overcome the small things, no cold beverages, being dirty all the time, and not having any of the comforts we are used to, last night haha over half of kolkatta lost power and water, just because they shut it off sometimes lol.... what do you do? we have been fighting like crazy and praying a lot and have hope that we can impact and change lives here, but your prayers are important. i love you all!

Monday, March 24, 2008

loving india!

we are on our 5th day in india and we are starting to get the hang of it, it definately took some getting used to, it is so busy here! i am loving it, we have been meeting with the people we will be working with and learning about the different ministries that are available to us, so far we will be doing a lot of mercy ministries mostly working with children. my favorite so far is the mother theresa house where people come to die with dignity, there are so many who just die on the side of the street here, she wanted a place where they could be taken care of and loved in their last days on earth, i am so excited, i know it will be hard, but i feel peace. we will also be working with homeless children who live in trains, working with kinds kids which is just teaching kids and hanging out with them, we are also walking around and talking to people and hanging out with the kids on the street, they are so precious! i am in my zone here i love it! i am fitting in well with the culture here, we went and bought our indian garb, we are fully decked out! they love americans! it's so funny, but really easy to make friends. living here is a lot differnt, we only have water at certain times of the day(we havent really figured out the exact hours) the electricity someitmes randomly goes off, and even after you shower you are still not clean, but i love it! the poverty here is intense, i cannot describe the things that we have seen, it is heartbreaking, but our team is perfect for the job, we have learned so much about the Lord's heart and what He would want for these people. i am eating some interesting things, today i ordered chicken, and im pretty sure it wasnt...i just stuck with the naan bread and curry! the people here are so beautiful! i cant stand it! i hav hugged so many older women because they are so stinkin cute, and the best part is that they dont care that i dont know them!!!! i love you all! hope you are doing well!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

I made it!

It took us 43hrs, but we made it! i absolutely love it here! i feel so blessed to be here in india! it is so busy, more people than i could have ever imagined, they are so friendly here, we are all having a blast! the ywamers here found a beautiful place for us to stay with running water and toilets, we each have our own bed and they serve us breakfast and dinner! we live in the same building as a christian boarding school for girls and get to hang out with them at night time, they dont really speak english, but we teach eachother songs and dances. My heart gets overwhelmed at times because the poverty here is intense, but i love them the best i know, it is so fun to turn someone who is begging into a friend! its fun to show them that they are worth knowing! fun fact: they dont have speed limits,lanes, or traffic lights and ive almost been hit by a car\train about 4 times! gotta love it! i wish i could say more, but i only have ten min. i love you all so much! i will try and write soon!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Our india/thailand team!

india/thailand here i come!!!

we leave tomarrow at 4 a.m.!! we are almost all packed up and dreading saying goodbye. i cant beleive lecture phase is over! it has gone by so fast, i definately had the time of my life! i wont be able to talk on the phone for the next two months, but i love you all and will see you soon!

Sunday, March 16, 2008

deeper friendship with claire!

Our lives, and the lives of others are better off for it!

We made it!

We are sooo funny!

I wanted to let her in on the joys of a onesie!


my buddies!
I'm on a mission
claire at her finest...

Friday, March 14, 2008

oh how i love ywam!

As DTS comes to a close i look back and realize how blessed i am to have had this experience. My time here has exceeded every expectation i had, and has changed me in ways I wasn't expecting. We have been through two months of lecture phase, each speaker bringing a fresh revelation of who God is and how we relate to Him. I have learned a lot about who i am in the Lord and on the flip side who i thought i was, but am not....if that makes sense. I have come to love the people here so much, it is amazing what the Lord can do in two months! I am so encouraged by the fact that we all came here so broken, not knowing who we were or where we were headed in life, and i feel like the Lord has been so faithful to give us direction and reveal to us our passions. It is so cool that we get to seek the Lord together as peers, knowing that we are all in the same spot, and just wanting to know God more. I don't have all the answers, and still not quite sure what life looks like after YWAM, but I am learning to continually lay down my own ideas and be open to what the Lord wills for my life. I am so thankful for all of you back home, you have been such and encouragement and have loved me more than I could have asked for! Thank you so much for you obedience to the Lord and your willingness to fight for me, it has truly changed my life and will not end with me. I love and miss you all and can't wait to see you in june! XoxOx

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

one week left!!!

we take off at 4 a.m. next tuesday!!! we are all freaking out a bit! God is good and we are also soooo excited!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

the Lord is faithful!

last night the last bit of my tuition was paid by an unknown doner!! $750.00!!! i can go on out-reach!!!

Saturday, March 1, 2008

glacier national park!

me in a hole!

international night!

alicia was a gypsy!
michele and sarah as the italians(mario and luigui)!
we had international night, so a few of us decided to dress up! claire representing the french, me the native americans, and crystal the omish!
claires birthday dinner!
randall let me put a face mask on him!

this is rob!

dts is coming to an end....

We only have two more weeks before we are off to india and thailand! Our dance is looking amazing, we are working on drama's, getting our immunizations, and trying to grasp what it is we are doing. The Lord has been working on all of our hearts intensly the past couple of weeks, asking us to continue to lay down our rights and love eachother in ways that stretch us and sometimes make us grumpy. I have decided to stay home for the summer, but am still planning on the school of dance in september! I am so gratefull that I was able to experience being here and doing a dts, it has changed me in so many ways and the best is the friends that I have made! It will be so hard to say goodbye as we each depart for out-reach, we have become a family, so we try not to think about it and just live for today and make the most out of it. I love you all and cant wait to spend time with you when I get home!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

it's been awhile...

Life here in Montana is going great, we are busily preparing for outreach, and so excited to see what the Lord has for us in India and Thailand! For dance, we will need to choroagraph two dances and learn one from our leaders, it is exciting to get to work together and seek the Lord on what would best minister/entertain our audience. On base this week we are learning about spiritual warfare, I find the most interesting is statistically how uninvolved the Christian community is. Time has flown by so fast!!! I only have about four more weeks here!!! It is definately bitter sweet, I am going on an amazing mission trip, but it will be hard to say goodbye to some of my fellow DTSers. On that note, if you could keep me in prayer as I seek the Lord on what to do after DTS, I have a couple options. One opportunity that I have is to go spend a couple months in Canada with some friends from YWAM helping to lead an inner-city bible camp in Manatoba! Which sounds exciting, I just want to make sure I'm living in the Lord's will. One other option is to participate in the School of Dance this coming september! So feel free if you have any wisdom to let me know! Also I am still asking God to provide the last $750.00 of tuition. It has been an amazing adventure being here and I have learned so much about myself and the Lord! It has been life altering and there are not words to express how gratefull I am to those of you who are involved! I pray that the Lord blesses you and brings you joy as you freely give of yourself and that you would see the impact you are not only having on my life, but those around you and those I impact! It's an amazing thing to see the love of the Lord spread! I love and miss you all!!

Friday, February 15, 2008

prayer request: The count down continues! I leave on out-reach in 5 weeks and still need $750.00 of tuition. I know the Lord will provide! If you could just keep me in your prayers, that would be amazing! thank-you for all your support! love you all!

Tuesday, February 12, 2008

mini outreach!

As most of you know, i went on mini-outreach! tacoma, washington!! woot woot! it was amazing! we arrived on sunday night after a 12 hour drive, and i was able to spend time with callie and kelsey!! it was so refreshing to see my people again! monday our group went to a place called "new beginings" where they help out pregnant women in bad situation and who want to give thier babies up for adoption, we helped clean and organize their house, it was fun. monday night we got invited to a church in sumner and some of us where able to share our testimonies! it was cool, i dont think i have ever spoken in front of that many people before, and had to rely on God to give me words to say. tuesday my group stayed back at the church to help paint, which was a lot of fun! then tuesday night we experienced our first ever street evangelism trip!!! we were really scared! but it was so much fun, we ended up going to an A.A. meeting and we probably left more encouraged by their strength in the Lord than them encouraged by us, but it was a cool experience! somewhere in the middle of all this i got to see cailyn, nathan, and jane!!! it was amazing! then wednesday our group went to a food bank to help them, it was so cool cause you could tell they dont get a lot of volunteers and they are older there and cant work as fast as we could, just because we are younger, so it was fun to bring refreshment to them. that night i got to go to the crossing and see even more friends! it was a fun night! then thursday we went back to the crossing to pray for people and help in any way we could. i love it there! thursday night was amazing! we held a concert at P.L.U. the musicians did their deal and the dancers did ours, and the Lord blew the place up! it was so cool! the best part is that we had no idea what we were doing! i love seeing our team work together! then friday was our freeday! i got to see friends and family! it was the best week so far! i did pray that the passes would close so that i could stay and go to new song, the Lord did answer my prayer, in that the passes were closed however, we just had to take a detour and it took us about 15 hrs instead of 12. it was fun though! it makes me so excited for out-reach in india and thailand! love you all!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

here is a few of my friends!

the water is frozen!

we were able to walk a little ways out on the water, the ice is begining to melt.

montana is amazing!

we took a walk down to the dock, this is about a mile away. it is starting to get sunny here! i am hoping it snows more, i enjoy the cold! this place is beautiful!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008


hi all! if you didnt know already i am coming home to tacoma/seattle for a mini outreach and will be working mostly with the crossing!!! i am so excited! it will be good to be in my home town for a week! i also wanted to just thrown out there, i am officially applying to "the school of dance" that YWAM offers next september, the Lord has been faithful in giving me vision for what i would want out of my future! i believe the dance school would be a great learning opportunity!i would be able to grow both spiritually and in dance at the same time! this week has been a lot of fun, the speaker is a riot! anyways i dont have much time. love you!

Friday, January 25, 2008

the weekend is here!!

i am so excited for this weekend! it will be fun filled with dancing, movies, lectures, sleepovers!!! it was a good day! love you all!!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

this is our sleepover!!! so fun!


it's almost the weekend! today was a great day! class went really well, i told my testimony and we all cried together, i think it was good for all of us! i feel a little exposed and out there but it built some unity. i am still being stretched and still loving it! my friend sarah wants everyone to know that i use her computer to post this blog. anyways love you all and talk to you later!

this is my friend claire from washington! she is probably one of the funniest people i have ever met! i love her!

Wednesday, January 23, 2008 titile

this week so far has been so much fun! it has definately been challenging but fun! it is still plenty cold here and so beautiful! the scenery here is amazing! i have made so many new friends, the coolest part is that we are all so different and from so many different backgrounds! we are preparing for our first mini- outreach which is in tacoma!!!! heck yes i'm coming back!!! i am so excited! it will be weird to mix the two worlds...but i am still excited! i am hopeing i will be able to come to church and see you all, but i am on a mission we will see. love you and miss you!!!

Monday, January 21, 2008

negative 21 degrees and loving it!!

yes it's true, it is very cold here! i love it! if you could all be praying for the people in my DTS, we are all taking turns being sick, it is currently my turn...bummer, but i'll make it! things are going great here! still having so much fun and constantly getting changed. this week one of the things we need to start doing is preparing sermons for when we go on outreach! i love that kind of stuff! it is a little trickier just because we need to find ways to relate to people in India and Thailand and also make it simple for those who are not educated. diving into cultures so much different from ours takes some research, so we are eccouraged to learn as much as we can about the places we are going. i have quickly become the DTS mom, for those of you who know me well know that that is not far from the truth, it is so fun to know the Lord's hearts for the women here and be a part of their healing process! it has given me a chance to spread my wings and understand that i really do communicate with the Lord and that He does use me on a day to day basis! i love it and love my fellow DTSers so much! we are becoming a family! bye for now!!

Friday, January 18, 2008

the end of week 2!!

i love it here!!! i am constantly blown away by how much fun it is to learn and live for Jesus! this week mike(our guest speaker) spoke on prayer, but turned into hearing the voice of God, it was challenging, but good! i am meeting so many new people, we all come from so many different backgrounds and cultures. we have people from canada, thailand, west coast, east coast, the south, everywhere! its really fun, we all learn a lot from each other. dance is going really well, it is so much fun to dance with the girls here and just have fun, and no competition with each other. i am excited, our group will have some opportunities to dance in india and thailand!:D i am so grateful for all of your love and support! thank you so much! love and miss everyone!

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

the second week!

Week two is going great! We have a guest speaker, his name is mike phillips...i believe, and is a brilliant man! He came to talk about prayer, but it turned into so much more! I love it! It is so fun to learn! The Lord is growing my heart more and more for India and Thailand and I love it! Prayer request: As some of you know my stomach is pretty sensative and I cannot have most milk product, so eating here has become a challenge(if you know what i mean) so if you could just pray that my body would start functioning better that would be amazing! I am praying that the Lord heal me, If you ask my parents, my stomach has been like this my whole life, so I am seeking the Lord on what I can and cannot have, and also what I myself should purchase from the store. your prayers are greately appritiated! love you all!

...and this here would be where the dancing takes place!

this is where is reside!

this is sarah, she is from california!

This is the cafeteria.

Sometimes you just need to take a break from being serious...

We someitmes get bored...

Monday, January 14, 2008


Plans have changed a little bit I am not only going to India, but I am also going to Thailand! I will spent the first five weeks in India helping out at children's aids orphanages, dancing, street evangelism, practical help, and some other stuff that hasn't been planned yet. Then the last three weeks will be in Thailand doing some of the same stuff, but maybe throw in some college ministry, I will keep you updated. I am so excited and cant even imagine what it will be like and how the Lord is going to use all of us! The Lord has been faithful to provide in so many ways for this trip, but it is costing a little more than I thought, so if you can join me in prayer for the rest of the financial part that would be amazing! love you all!

Sunday, January 13, 2008

the bon fire

Some of the girls at our bon fire night!

The roomies

These are the roomies on hick night!

My bed! I was gonna make it, but then I thought I would be true to what it really looks like.


I finally figured out how to put pictures on here!!!!!! Oh and this is my friend crystal!

Thursday, January 10, 2008

hick night!

Today was tons of fun! We had a whole morning of teaching on the root and fruit of pride and then spent some time talking to the group about where we see pride in our lives...that was intense! Our DTS has 35 students, 22 girls, and 13 guys. Then we learned about the history of our YWAM base which wasnt as interesting, but it was good to know. Jeff and Kristy are the leaders of our particular school, I love hearing Kristy preach! She is so passionate! I am learning more and more about myself and all the ways I have become comfortable and havent wanted to change, it's challenging, but good. The best part of the day, was the "Montana night" we all dressed up in our best hick gear, ate some good down home cookin, and then square danced the night away! You get to know eachother really well when dancing with them! Well I need to do some I should go. love you and miss you all!


I will be getting pictures on here, I am having time and technical issues.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008

day two!

Day two of my DTS and still loving it! Today we started off with lecture the first one was about bible meditation and what it looks like to have a quiet time that changes how you live, and the second lecture was on worship and what worship looks like outside of singing! It's encouraging to be reminded that worship is a part of our everyday life and not just at church, and we can worship in everything we do. We also talked about our passions and the things in our heart that we have stored away because we did not think we could minister through it, and we were encouraged to ask the Lord to show us what we are passionate about, and then ask Him how to put them to use for His kingdom. We also recieved our first book for one of many book reports we will do!! My first book is "Is that really you God?" by Lauren Cunningham!! I'm excited! We were also given our work books and an outline of our homework for the next few months, and what will be expected of us. We got assigned our chores today and I have kitchen duty in the morning from 6 to 8 a.m. So an average day here looks like work duty from 6 to8, then lecture from 8 to 10, then worship is usually thrown in there somewhere, more lecture, then lunch from 12 to 12:30, then more lecture until 3, then work duty from 3 to 5, dinner from 5 to 5:30, then we either have a class or free time and on tuesday nights I have church, or whatever else comes up. It's pretty busy!! The best is that tuesdays and fridays are the days that i will be dancing!!! I am so excited!! love you all and miss you!!


I know some of you wanted to know some info. so here we go.

my e-mail:
my address: 501 Blacktail RD.
Lakeside, MT 59922
phone: 253-444-7645

I have arrived!

I made it to Montana safe and sound and excited for the adventure that lies ahead! instead of 8 hours the trip took in between 12 and 13! all the more fun I say! my first day here was so much fun, I set up my room and met my first room mate Emily from Virginia and my second whose name is Michele from Virginia also, came later. A few of us played a hardcore game of indoor soccer(in which i may have broken or seriously injured my pinky toe...I'm fine.) Then a group of us walked a couple miles to the nearest grocery story to get some supplies for either our rooms or snacks to eat. We then spent a couple hours playing games and then turned in with anticipation for Monday, the first official day of class! The first day was awesome and the Lord was faithful to show up! The first part of the day we listened to guidelines, the purpose of YWAM, our upcoming assignment, and all that jazz. We had a time of worship and introduction, followed by more info. as to why we are here. The last part of the night was the best! We each got up in front of the class and shared how we got to Montana, the Lord's presence fell and it was a time of healing and refreshment! I am loving it here and am excited to find out more about the Lord and also the people around me! i am constantly humbled by how amazing the people are! love you all and i will try and write again soon!

Friday, January 4, 2008


I am off folks! It has been an exciting adventure to see the Lord provide for my every need and am overwhelmed by the Lord's love! My bags are packed and I am ready to start my four and a half month trip! tomorrow me and three of my friends will begin the 8 hour drive to Montana hopefully making it through the crazy snow! woot woot!

thing I'm most excited for:
  • classes
  • roommates
  • snow!
  • india
  • road-trip
  • knowing the Lord in a different way
  • dancing!!!!!!!!!
  • dance tights!!!!
.....and so much more!
Love you all and I will miss all of you so much!