Monday, August 25, 2008


Hi everyone!

Sorry I haven't been the best about updating what I've been up to. I have been home for a couple months now, I am living with Cailyn, Nathan, and Jane Aune, and loving it! I cannot believe the things the Lord has allowed me to do. I often wonder how He can top going on my mission trip. I think back and can't believe the things I got to experience and the people I met, the friends I made. I am currently working at Starbuck's saving up some money. My goal at this point is to save up some money for school! I decided I would like to pursue a career in massage therapy, but do not want to have a lot of debt. Being back has been so much fun! It does come with it's challenges, but it's home. I have no current plans of going back out on the mission field, but would love to sometime in the near future(one of the reason why I don't want school loans). I am so thankful for where I'm at, I am growing and changing and figuring out who I am, and who I want to be. Thank you so much for all your support! love you!