Saturday, April 26, 2008


our team is loving it here, it has been a great week of both hard work and rest. we have put together a couple of english camps, its an 8 hour long camp and goes on for two days, we play games, teach english, perform drama's and dances for them, and just have fun and hang out. we are staying in a house in a small gated community, there is a pool down the road, and a place that sells bubble tea all hours of the day, pretty close to what i would think heaven is like. The tempature is a bit hotter here i would say in between 100 to 120, but less humidity, its nice. we all love the food, some is very spicy, but you suck it up and eat it anyways. My favorite is probably som tom(not sure if spelling is correct) its papaya salad, it has papaya, peanuts, cucumber, carrots, and its spicy! We flew into bangkok and stayed there for a few days, i absolutely love bangkok! i would love to go back and see more of the city! we stayed at the ywam base(first place we have stayed with ac) it was fun to get to know them and learn about the different ministries they have there, we met a fellow ywam montana guy, he was just on the last DTS before us and his outreach was in thailand and he decided he wasnt going back to america for 5 years! he's goig to stay in thailand and head up a ministry that goes out and talks to foreigners who come there for the red light district, he's only 20yers old. pretty cool! we are now in rachenburi, more of the country. it is beautiful! everything you would imagine, green, peaceful, big stretches of land, crops, i love it! so all in all life is good! tomarrow is our day off, so we will go to the floating market(its all on water, and you have to take a boat everywhere) we will also be riding elephants, seeing bat caves, a trip out to the coast, and some shopping, big day, but it will be fun! tuesday we will be on our way to sufanburi for two weeks and then we are done. crazy! love you all and i will try and write soon! thank you for your prayers and support!

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