Thursday, February 21, 2008

it's been awhile...

Life here in Montana is going great, we are busily preparing for outreach, and so excited to see what the Lord has for us in India and Thailand! For dance, we will need to choroagraph two dances and learn one from our leaders, it is exciting to get to work together and seek the Lord on what would best minister/entertain our audience. On base this week we are learning about spiritual warfare, I find the most interesting is statistically how uninvolved the Christian community is. Time has flown by so fast!!! I only have about four more weeks here!!! It is definately bitter sweet, I am going on an amazing mission trip, but it will be hard to say goodbye to some of my fellow DTSers. On that note, if you could keep me in prayer as I seek the Lord on what to do after DTS, I have a couple options. One opportunity that I have is to go spend a couple months in Canada with some friends from YWAM helping to lead an inner-city bible camp in Manatoba! Which sounds exciting, I just want to make sure I'm living in the Lord's will. One other option is to participate in the School of Dance this coming september! So feel free if you have any wisdom to let me know! Also I am still asking God to provide the last $750.00 of tuition. It has been an amazing adventure being here and I have learned so much about myself and the Lord! It has been life altering and there are not words to express how gratefull I am to those of you who are involved! I pray that the Lord blesses you and brings you joy as you freely give of yourself and that you would see the impact you are not only having on my life, but those around you and those I impact! It's an amazing thing to see the love of the Lord spread! I love and miss you all!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Jami! I had no clue you were in Tacoma. I don't get online much because we don't have it at home so I am so sad I missed you! Sounds like you are still doing awesome and I would love to talk to you soon! I love you!