Saturday, March 1, 2008

dts is coming to an end....

We only have two more weeks before we are off to india and thailand! Our dance is looking amazing, we are working on drama's, getting our immunizations, and trying to grasp what it is we are doing. The Lord has been working on all of our hearts intensly the past couple of weeks, asking us to continue to lay down our rights and love eachother in ways that stretch us and sometimes make us grumpy. I have decided to stay home for the summer, but am still planning on the school of dance in september! I am so gratefull that I was able to experience being here and doing a dts, it has changed me in so many ways and the best is the friends that I have made! It will be so hard to say goodbye as we each depart for out-reach, we have become a family, so we try not to think about it and just live for today and make the most out of it. I love you all and cant wait to spend time with you when I get home!

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