Friday, March 14, 2008

oh how i love ywam!

As DTS comes to a close i look back and realize how blessed i am to have had this experience. My time here has exceeded every expectation i had, and has changed me in ways I wasn't expecting. We have been through two months of lecture phase, each speaker bringing a fresh revelation of who God is and how we relate to Him. I have learned a lot about who i am in the Lord and on the flip side who i thought i was, but am not....if that makes sense. I have come to love the people here so much, it is amazing what the Lord can do in two months! I am so encouraged by the fact that we all came here so broken, not knowing who we were or where we were headed in life, and i feel like the Lord has been so faithful to give us direction and reveal to us our passions. It is so cool that we get to seek the Lord together as peers, knowing that we are all in the same spot, and just wanting to know God more. I don't have all the answers, and still not quite sure what life looks like after YWAM, but I am learning to continually lay down my own ideas and be open to what the Lord wills for my life. I am so thankful for all of you back home, you have been such and encouragement and have loved me more than I could have asked for! Thank you so much for you obedience to the Lord and your willingness to fight for me, it has truly changed my life and will not end with me. I love and miss you all and can't wait to see you in june! XoxOx

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