Monday, March 24, 2008

loving india!

we are on our 5th day in india and we are starting to get the hang of it, it definately took some getting used to, it is so busy here! i am loving it, we have been meeting with the people we will be working with and learning about the different ministries that are available to us, so far we will be doing a lot of mercy ministries mostly working with children. my favorite so far is the mother theresa house where people come to die with dignity, there are so many who just die on the side of the street here, she wanted a place where they could be taken care of and loved in their last days on earth, i am so excited, i know it will be hard, but i feel peace. we will also be working with homeless children who live in trains, working with kinds kids which is just teaching kids and hanging out with them, we are also walking around and talking to people and hanging out with the kids on the street, they are so precious! i am in my zone here i love it! i am fitting in well with the culture here, we went and bought our indian garb, we are fully decked out! they love americans! it's so funny, but really easy to make friends. living here is a lot differnt, we only have water at certain times of the day(we havent really figured out the exact hours) the electricity someitmes randomly goes off, and even after you shower you are still not clean, but i love it! the poverty here is intense, i cannot describe the things that we have seen, it is heartbreaking, but our team is perfect for the job, we have learned so much about the Lord's heart and what He would want for these people. i am eating some interesting things, today i ordered chicken, and im pretty sure it wasnt...i just stuck with the naan bread and curry! the people here are so beautiful! i cant stand it! i hav hugged so many older women because they are so stinkin cute, and the best part is that they dont care that i dont know them!!!! i love you all! hope you are doing well!


Anonymous said...

ahh! I am so excited! It just sounds like you are coming alive there! I love you so so much! I'm praying for you, beautiful!

Ords said...

sounds amazing, we love you and are so sad that we missed you at the airport. can't wait to hear more!

Melody said...


hey i love hearing all the love and excitment your experimenting i miss you and love you
love always and forever your mom