Monday, March 17, 2008

india/thailand here i come!!!

we leave tomarrow at 4 a.m.!! we are almost all packed up and dreading saying goodbye. i cant beleive lecture phase is over! it has gone by so fast, i definately had the time of my life! i wont be able to talk on the phone for the next two months, but i love you all and will see you soon!


awakers said...

Hi Jami,

You are overseas by now, but it's Good Friday here in the U.S. and we are thinking especially about what Christ did for us on the cross. Hope you are well and celebrating our life in Christ--wherever you are!! I am thinking about you and praying,too.

Love you lots and miss you too!
Mrs. A

P.S. He is Risen!!! He is Risen indeed!!

Gramma and Grampa said...

Hi Pid,
We are so very proud of you and what you are doing for the Lord. We will miss you on Easter Sunday and at the annual Easter Egg hunt for the little kids. It should be fun this year, with so many little ones. May the Lord be with you in all that you do. We are praying for you and your work.
Love You Honey
Gramma and Grampa