Saturday, March 22, 2008

I made it!

It took us 43hrs, but we made it! i absolutely love it here! i feel so blessed to be here in india! it is so busy, more people than i could have ever imagined, they are so friendly here, we are all having a blast! the ywamers here found a beautiful place for us to stay with running water and toilets, we each have our own bed and they serve us breakfast and dinner! we live in the same building as a christian boarding school for girls and get to hang out with them at night time, they dont really speak english, but we teach eachother songs and dances. My heart gets overwhelmed at times because the poverty here is intense, but i love them the best i know, it is so fun to turn someone who is begging into a friend! its fun to show them that they are worth knowing! fun fact: they dont have speed limits,lanes, or traffic lights and ive almost been hit by a car\train about 4 times! gotta love it! i wish i could say more, but i only have ten min. i love you all so much! i will try and write soon!

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