Tuesday, January 8, 2008

day two!

Day two of my DTS and still loving it! Today we started off with lecture the first one was about bible meditation and what it looks like to have a quiet time that changes how you live, and the second lecture was on worship and what worship looks like outside of singing! It's encouraging to be reminded that worship is a part of our everyday life and not just at church, and we can worship in everything we do. We also talked about our passions and the things in our heart that we have stored away because we did not think we could minister through it, and we were encouraged to ask the Lord to show us what we are passionate about, and then ask Him how to put them to use for His kingdom. We also recieved our first book for one of many book reports we will do!! My first book is "Is that really you God?" by Lauren Cunningham!! I'm excited! We were also given our work books and an outline of our homework for the next few months, and what will be expected of us. We got assigned our chores today and I have kitchen duty in the morning from 6 to 8 a.m. So an average day here looks like work duty from 6 to8, then lecture from 8 to 10, then worship is usually thrown in there somewhere, more lecture, then lunch from 12 to 12:30, then more lecture until 3, then work duty from 3 to 5, dinner from 5 to 5:30, then we either have a class or free time and on tuesday nights I have church, or whatever else comes up. It's pretty busy!! The best is that tuesdays and fridays are the days that i will be dancing!!! I am so excited!! love you all and miss you!!

1 comment:

awakers said...

Hi Jami,

It is so exciting to hear that you are loving it and meeting great people there in snowy Montana. Sounds like you are pretty busy, but if you get a chance, put some pics up so we can see where you have landed! We miss you here already in rainy Washington, but are confident that you are where the Lord wants you right now. Dance your heart out, girl! I haven't seen your room or your house since you left because I haven't been to Tacoma either! Love you and miss you..Mrs. A