Tuesday, January 29, 2008


hi all! if you didnt know already i am coming home to tacoma/seattle for a mini outreach and will be working mostly with the crossing!!! i am so excited! it will be good to be in my home town for a week! i also wanted to just thrown out there, i am officially applying to "the school of dance" that YWAM offers next september, the Lord has been faithful in giving me vision for what i would want out of my future! i believe the dance school would be a great learning opportunity!i would be able to grow both spiritually and in dance at the same time! this week has been a lot of fun, the speaker is a riot! anyways i dont have much time. love you!

1 comment:

jamienicole said...

hi pidder i love you call me if you can visit have fun i start school on the 4th monday dance your heart out i love you have fun later
trude <3