Thursday, January 10, 2008

hick night!

Today was tons of fun! We had a whole morning of teaching on the root and fruit of pride and then spent some time talking to the group about where we see pride in our lives...that was intense! Our DTS has 35 students, 22 girls, and 13 guys. Then we learned about the history of our YWAM base which wasnt as interesting, but it was good to know. Jeff and Kristy are the leaders of our particular school, I love hearing Kristy preach! She is so passionate! I am learning more and more about myself and all the ways I have become comfortable and havent wanted to change, it's challenging, but good. The best part of the day, was the "Montana night" we all dressed up in our best hick gear, ate some good down home cookin, and then square danced the night away! You get to know eachother really well when dancing with them! Well I need to do some I should go. love you and miss you all!


Cailyn said...

so, is everyone as good of a dancer as you are? :o)

Unknown said...

square dancer jamison! that is so fun!

Cailyn said...

Are you guys having "Indian" night tomorrow night? I'll bet you'll take the lead on that one!

Wow! Day 4 already illicits an "intense" rating by Jami, that didn't take long! The real question is: How many things have been "awkward"?

Awesome to hear things are going well, you're being challenged, you're learning lots, and most importantly, having fun! Can't wait to see the pics!

Unknown said...


I am so glad to hear that you are having some intense times of learning and fun! I mean, what would a Jami day look like if it didn't have some intense parts in it? Enjoy getting down with your bad self at "hick" parties - I bet there are some really fun pictures of that! Enjoy Jesus and the snow! Love you lots!