Wednesday, January 16, 2008

the second week!

Week two is going great! We have a guest speaker, his name is mike phillips...i believe, and is a brilliant man! He came to talk about prayer, but it turned into so much more! I love it! It is so fun to learn! The Lord is growing my heart more and more for India and Thailand and I love it! Prayer request: As some of you know my stomach is pretty sensative and I cannot have most milk product, so eating here has become a challenge(if you know what i mean) so if you could just pray that my body would start functioning better that would be amazing! I am praying that the Lord heal me, If you ask my parents, my stomach has been like this my whole life, so I am seeking the Lord on what I can and cannot have, and also what I myself should purchase from the store. your prayers are greately appritiated! love you all!

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