Monday, January 21, 2008

negative 21 degrees and loving it!!

yes it's true, it is very cold here! i love it! if you could all be praying for the people in my DTS, we are all taking turns being sick, it is currently my turn...bummer, but i'll make it! things are going great here! still having so much fun and constantly getting changed. this week one of the things we need to start doing is preparing sermons for when we go on outreach! i love that kind of stuff! it is a little trickier just because we need to find ways to relate to people in India and Thailand and also make it simple for those who are not educated. diving into cultures so much different from ours takes some research, so we are eccouraged to learn as much as we can about the places we are going. i have quickly become the DTS mom, for those of you who know me well know that that is not far from the truth, it is so fun to know the Lord's hearts for the women here and be a part of their healing process! it has given me a chance to spread my wings and understand that i really do communicate with the Lord and that He does use me on a day to day basis! i love it and love my fellow DTSers so much! we are becoming a family! bye for now!!


Cailyn said...

Jami.... this was my favorite post so far. It is so you!!!! Of course you are taking women under your wings... you are pioneer and a leader, and have the biggest heart!!!! Keep on keeping on dear one.
Love you soooo,

PS- go back and edit your previous post title... it says "weed" instead of "week." :o)

Unknown said...

Jami! I love reading all about your adventures! You are doing something crazy and so cool! Live it up and I can't wait for your next post - good idea having a blog :) I love you!