Tuesday, January 8, 2008

I have arrived!

I made it to Montana safe and sound and excited for the adventure that lies ahead! instead of 8 hours the trip took in between 12 and 13! all the more fun I say! my first day here was so much fun, I set up my room and met my first room mate Emily from Virginia and my second whose name is Michele from Virginia also, came later. A few of us played a hardcore game of indoor soccer(in which i may have broken or seriously injured my pinky toe...I'm fine.) Then a group of us walked a couple miles to the nearest grocery story to get some supplies for either our rooms or snacks to eat. We then spent a couple hours playing games and then turned in with anticipation for Monday, the first official day of class! The first day was awesome and the Lord was faithful to show up! The first part of the day we listened to guidelines, the purpose of YWAM, our upcoming assignment, and all that jazz. We had a time of worship and introduction, followed by more info. as to why we are here. The last part of the night was the best! We each got up in front of the class and shared how we got to Montana, the Lord's presence fell and it was a time of healing and refreshment! I am loving it here and am excited to find out more about the Lord and also the people around me! i am constantly humbled by how amazing the people are! love you all and i will try and write again soon!

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