Friday, January 4, 2008


I am off folks! It has been an exciting adventure to see the Lord provide for my every need and am overwhelmed by the Lord's love! My bags are packed and I am ready to start my four and a half month trip! tomorrow me and three of my friends will begin the 8 hour drive to Montana hopefully making it through the crazy snow! woot woot!

thing I'm most excited for:
  • classes
  • roommates
  • snow!
  • india
  • road-trip
  • knowing the Lord in a different way
  • dancing!!!!!!!!!
  • dance tights!!!!
.....and so much more!
Love you all and I will miss all of you so much!


Laci said...

Jami- I'm so excited for you! Thanks for sharing this journey on a blog so we can keep up with all the cool things you're doing. I have to know, though, Jami, where do dance tights play into this adventure?! Maybe I missed something...are you doing some dance ministry? Either way I know the Lord will be with you and bless you for your obedience and boldness!

kariaune said...

Jami - I am so excited for you to be pusuing this journey so expectantly! Way to be obediant to the Lord! You will be such an encourager to all you encounter in Montana and India. I will miss your great, big bear hugs... my new name for you, Jamibear. Do you have a mailing address while you are there in Montana? I have something for you. Keep up the blog, I'd love to keep reading it!
Love you so much friend!

Cailyn said...

can't wait to hear more details! keep us posted about everything, and pictures too, of all that montana snow!