Wednesday, January 23, 2008 titile

this week so far has been so much fun! it has definately been challenging but fun! it is still plenty cold here and so beautiful! the scenery here is amazing! i have made so many new friends, the coolest part is that we are all so different and from so many different backgrounds! we are preparing for our first mini- outreach which is in tacoma!!!! heck yes i'm coming back!!! i am so excited! it will be weird to mix the two worlds...but i am still excited! i am hopeing i will be able to come to church and see you all, but i am on a mission we will see. love you and miss you!!!


Unknown said...

oh jwam, i miss you

Casey said...

Jami...when are you coming to Tacoma, that is crazy! Great job keeping us all updated.

Jackie said...

Jami!! I love reading your blog:) I am so excited you are running into something you love!! I hope to see you when you are here! ~Jackie S.